Rankings Of Business Schools In South Africa - Top Business Schools For Marketing

- 05.18

Rankings of business schools in South Africa are largely based on international business schools rankings, no current publication attempts to rank South African business schools in a definitive way.

IIM-A+among+WORLD%27s+top+10+B ...


PMR.africa conducts an annual survey of marketing managers/directors and line managers on MBA graduates and students in the workplace representing accredited business schools. The rankings are based on the perceptions of the respondents.

19 attributes are measured:

  • Academic knowledge
  • Application of knowledge in the workplace
  • Communication skills/abilities
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Entrepreneurial skills/capacity/abilities
  • Environmental awareness
  • Ethical business conduct
  • Financial management
  • Human resource management
  • Implementation of corporate governance
  • Information management
  • Innovation
  • Insight into sound sustainable development
  • International perspective
  • Leadership skills/abilities
  • Marketing management
  • Operational management
  • Quantitative abilities/skills
  • Strategic management



Top Business Schools For Marketing Video


Financial Times


Note: This is the only ranked South African business school in this category.

Executive MBA

Note: This is the only ranked South African business school in this category.

Executive Education Customised

Note: These are the only ranked South African business schools in this category.

Executive Education Open

Note: These are the only ranked South African business schools in this category.

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Source of the article : here



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