The 7-day SEC Yield is a measure of performance in the interest rates of money market mutual funds offered by US mutual fund companies. It is also referred to as the 7-day Annualized Yield.
The calculation is performed as follows:
To calculate approximately how much interest one might earn in a money fund account, take the 7-day SEC yield, multiply by the amount invested, divide by the number of days in the year, and then multiply by the number of days in question.
This does not take compounding into effect.
The examples assume interest is withdrawn as it is earned and not allowed to compound.
- If one has $1000 invested for 30 days at a 7-day SEC yield of 5%, then:
Multiply by 30 days to yield $4.11 in interest.
- If one has $1000 invested for 1 year at a 7-day SEC yield of 2%, then:
Multiply by 365 days to yield $20.00 in interest.
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